ICCS 2018

Complex Systems in BioMedicine – Embracing Complexity for Better Healthcare

ICCS 2018

We are very excited to announce our participation in The Ninth International Conference on Complex Systems to be held on 22-27.07.18 in Boston, USA

Our workshop will deal with Complex Systems in BioMedicine – Embracing Complexity for Better Healthcare


A short description of the workshop


The purpose of the workshop is to bring together stakeholders from the whole continuum of

health-care interested in implementing complex systems theory and methodology. The aim is

to share insights regarding the challenges and the potential solutions, which are emerging in

current research and projects using complex systems thinking to improve the continuum of




  1. Using complex systems theory to improve the continuum of healthcare.
  2. Managing complexity in healthcare.

Target Audience

Academics, clinicians and Industrialists



Peer learning – Inspiring short examples followed by a “Knowledge Cafe” – round tables

conversations followed by idea “harvesting” in the full group of participants.


Expected Outcome

  1. New insights and ideas for innovative and novel projects that will emerge from the

interdisciplinary conversations at the workshop.

  1. A community, composed of members with a passion to further practice and study complex

systems in medicine and healthcare. A group that aspires to lead issues locally and globally.

This is in the interest of promoting “smart health” in “smart cities” for the benefit of all

citizens of the world.


A list of confirmed and prospective speakers:

Dr Edna Pasher Ph.D. – Co-founding Partner of “Healthcare Living Labs” at the Pasher Management Consulting Group.

Dr Dan Torten MD & MBA – Co-founding Partner of “Healthcare Living Labs” at the Pasher Management Consulting Group.
Prof. Eve Mitleton-Kelly – was founder and Director of the Complexity Research Group at the London School of Economics
Prof. Pierre Singer MD – Head of The Intensive Care Unit of Rabin Medical Center.
Dr Boaz Tadmor – Head of R&D at Rabin Medical Center
Dr Michael Sagner MD – specializing in sports medicine and preventive medicine, works on the convergence of systems biology, the digital revolution and consumer-driven healthcare
Dr Derek Yach – President at Foundation for a Smoke-Free World
Dr Diane T. Finegood Ph.D. – Professor at Simon Fraser University


Proposal for a Workshop at the NECSI 9th International Conference (1)



For more information, please email morh@pasher.co.il



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